Education of girls
Solution #6 at
Hi, there. My name is Maryana, and I am a Girls Who Code facilitator.
My whole adult life I have been pursuing higher education. I accomplish one course or major, then enroll in another. I do not do it for diplomas or accolades. I simply love the journey, not the destination. I have always wanted to inspire others to enjoy learning. That's why I opened a club in my area.
For my masters I wrote a thesis on education among immigrant women in the U.S. At the same time I became involved with NYC chapter of, an organization that raises awareness about climate change and suggest already existing solutions to reverse the global warming.
During my research I have discovered that education of girls is one of the solutions! Please play with the trinket below to learn some facts.
To learn more
To find a solution that speaks to you, visit or buy their New York Times bestseller "Drawdown The Most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming."